Due to delays in our supply chain during this festive season that have impacted the production of ELO Drinking Water, delivery of orders for ELO Drinking Water may be delayed for several weeks.

How to live a healthy lifestyle without having to force yourself to consume those endless and dull supplements that you don't like

Do you know that most of the health problems are related to Oxygen deficiency in our body tissues?

It is called "Hypoxia"

Hypoxia is defined as the deficiency in amount of oxygen that reaches the tissues of our body. We won’t feel hypoxic as it can occur without obvious symptoms.

The only time we start to feel hypoxic is when we start to get fatigue and feel regularly tired.

Hypoxia does not cause discomfort or pain so its onset can be insidious and pass unnoticed by individuals.

Our organs start to malfunction and brings on the start of diseases when our blood cells have much less energy and perform their functions less efficiently.

Scientific researchers around the world have shown that hypoxia is linked to many diseases like cancer, diabetes, fatty livers, heart attack and many more, such as:

Cancer cells cannot survive in the presence of high oxygen levels. Cancers that have lower levels of oxygen are more aggressive in behavior, with greater tendencies to invade and spread." - A fact discovered by Nobel Prize winner in Medicine and Biologist, Dr Otto H Warburg

Cells that are oxygen-starved (hypoxic) leads to insulin resistance - a state where insulin gets less and less effective in lowering blood sugar. This precedes the development of type 2 diabetes." - Research done in University of California, San Diego School of Medicine

”Chronic hypoxia not only propagates fatty liver, it can induce formation of fibrous tissue within the liver, leading to the development of liver cirrhosis." Published in hypoxia-inducible factors and fibrogenesis in chronic liver disease, Histol histopathol, 2014

Anaerobic bacteria a major culprit in the formation of acne hates oxygen and its growth rate is markedly reduced in the presence of high oxygen." - Research from University of Leeds and the St James Hospital, UK

There are many ways to reduce hypoxia relating to diseases. Available medical treatments include:

Treatment with a hyperbaric oxygen chamber

Putting on an oxygen mask

However, these presently available medical treatments to increase your body's oxygen levels are not easily accessible, pose side effects and are too inconvenient to use on a daily basis.

What if we can obtain the level of oxygen supply we need in the water we drink?

Introducing The Amazing
Oxygen-Rich Drinking Water!

ELO Drinking Water is proven to oxygenate and hydrate your body at the same time!

ELO Drinking Water is probably the only oxygen-rich water in the world that has proven health benefits through rigorous scientific and clinical testing. Its unique composition and qualities are backed by more than 15 years of water science.

Unlike other oxygenated water that rapidly loses their oxygen to the atmosphere, ELO Drinking Water is not made by pumping oxygen into water. Instead, the oxygen-rich water is produced via a proprietary process where oxygen exists in a stable and bound form that can be beneficially harnessed by the body.

ELO Drinking Water promotes quick absorption by the body, restoring its natural balance and enhancing overall well-being.

Blood carries oxygen to the cells throughout your body to keep them healthy. Lack of oxygen can cause our cells to die. By having enough oxygen delivered to our body tissues, our health is improved and chances of being caught by various illnesses will be reduced.

How Can Drinking ELO Water Benefits Us?

Safe & Additive Free - Published research data by Monash University, Australia demonstrates that ELO Water is able to increase blood oxygen level through oral consumption.

Fight Diseases Relating to Hypoxia

It has been proven scientifically that drinking ELO Water will deliver oxygen to your body cells – powering them with much more energy. If you regularly consume ELO Drinking Water, it can reduce hypoxia in your body and add vitality to your well-being. 

Boost Your Body Immunity

Our blood carries oxygen to the body cells. With sufficient oxygen in our body, cells and organs can function more effectively. Our immune system functions best when organs are at their best.

Enhance Post-Exercise Recovery

With sufficient oxygen, we are able to create more energy for our muscles, translating into greater speed and strength for muscle contraction and longer endurance. We are also able to get better post recovery with less muscle soreness due to lesser lactic acid produced.

How Can We Prove That The Oxygen 

Content In ELO Drinking Water Is Higher?

In the Transcutaneous Oximetry test performed by Dr. Nadzri Abdul Mokhtar, M.D. it is proven that the partial pressure of oxygen in ELO Drinking Water is higher than the other water. In the test, Dr. Nadzri has also proven that after drinking ELO Water can improve human tissue oxygenation.

Watch our next experiment.....

Have you ever wondered how long a fish can stay underwater in a tank without an air pump before surfacing for air? In this video, 2 fishes are placed in 2 tanks - one filled with tap water and the other with ELO Drinking Water. Watch till the end to find out an amazing discovery!

How does our body absorb the dissolved oxygen from ELO Drinking Water?

When ELO Drinking Water is being consumed, the high concentration of oxygen exhibits a high partial pressure within oxygen-rich ELO Drinking Water which then pushes the oxygen by passive diffusion into our blood stream and consequently to the hypoxic inside our body.

More than 15 Years of research in water science and technology

Bottle using highest grade, FDA Approved PET

Produced under stringent quality control checks - free of contaminants

Stored in environments with the best food safety practice

More Than 10,000 People Have Tried And Benefited From Drinking ELO Water.

Before placing an order, let us listen to what our customers have to say...

Here's Audrey anecdotal sharing on how ELO Drinking Water had helped her mother in her treatment & recovery journey battling with cancer...

Disclaimer: Each patience's medical condition is different. Always seek advice from medical professionals or qualified healthcare provider regarding your medical condition or treatment.



Since my kid knows that it can help him to recover quickly and feel more energized, to eat and sleep well, he would cooperate and drink up everything.....

“When I first subscribed to the ELO Drinking Water subscription package, it was mainly my husband and I who were drinking the water. But gradually, as I started to feel the benefits of ELO Drinking Water, I also let my kids drink it when they are sick.

I have 4 kids and the youngest is just 7 years old. The youngest falls sick easily, almost once every few months. When he has a fever or flu, instead of bringing him to see a doctor, I would let him drink a 1.5-litre bottle of ELO Drinking Water each day. I would make him drink a small cup every 15 minutes and since he knows that it can help him to recover quickly and feel more energised, to eat and sleep well, he would cooperate and drink up everything. In fact, now my kids would automatically look for ELO Drinking Water to drink on their own when they are not feeling well.

I realised that drinking ELO Drinking Water on a regular basis has made my family visit the doctors less often. Considering the savings on medical fee, I don’t find drinking ELO Drinking Water in the long-run to be very expensive after all. It might seem expensive when you have not seen the value of ELO Drinking Water, but once you witness the health and medical savings it can bring to you, you will find that ELO Drinking Water is truly value-for-money.”

Doris & Kai Loon


I felt a lot of mental clarity, i don't feel so tired and lethargic. Now i am more motivated to do more things with my time. My quality of life has significantly improved!

“When we first saw ELO Drinking Water, of course, we also had our doubts. We couldn’t believe that just drinking water alone can do things for you. But overtime, as we drink, we started to feel a lot of benefits. For myself, I really felt that there is a lot of mental clarity. I don’t feel as tired, and in turn, that significantly improved my quality of life because I was able to do a lot more things with my time. I don’t feel so tired and I don’t feel lethargic. It makes me more motivated to do things, to go for runs and do my exercises.”

“In fact, last year when we went to Hong Kong for hiking, we brought one whole luggage full of ELO Drinking Water to check-in. We would just use it for our hike. It gives you very good stamina. The most amazing thing was that, the legs would usually be sore after hiking, but we did not feel any lactic acid build up at all.”

Mohani & Yasni


After 3-4 months of drinking ELO Drinking Water, the elder brother who was suffering from 80% heart blockage is back to living a normal life now. That, to me, is really overwhelming !

“We attended a seminar last year introducing ELO Drinking Water being an oxygen-rich water and how it can help to reduce hypoxia. Since then, we have never turned back. We have been drinking ELO Drinking Water for a year now, even introducing it to family, friends, business associates…

We have a staff, she has an elder brother who was suffering from 80% heart blockage. He was previously admitted into the hospital but was discharged because they could not perform any operation on him. It was too risky, so he was asked to leave the hospital. The sister, our staff, was crying because she could not do anything to help her brother. It was as if he was a time bomb that could explode anytime, with the 80% heart blockage. He couldn’t even walk properly, couldn’t even talk, could only lie down and he looked really weak.

But after three to four months of drinking ELO Drinking Water, he is back to living a normal life. Previously, he had to go for medical check-up every month but because his health has improved substantially, he only has to go for the check-up every six months. Now, he is back to driving his lorry, selling food and doing his normal routine like before.

That, to me, is really overwhelming. It is a good story that we would like to share, the positive impact that ELO Drinking Water has on people whom we have introduced the water to.”

Chong Lee Lee


My son suffered eczema since 6 years old. With the prolonged use of steroid cream, it actually thinned his skin and his palm bled easily. After 6 months of drinking ELO Drinking Water, now he is healed....

“My son had been suffering from eczema since 6 years old. His eczema flared up especially on his palm, that made him shy away from shaking hand with people. With the prolonged use of steroid cream, it actually thinned his skin and it bled easily when he scratched.

I started him with drink ELO Drinking Water, initially the eczema flared up even worse than before, but he persevered. He told me that he does not want to use steroid cream anymore. He believe that ELO Drinking Water will help him.

After 6 months, now he is healed. He continues to drink a bottle of ELO Drinking Water a day. In fact he share his ELO goodness with people around him as well."

Ronald Mok

Hong Kong

All thanks to ELO Drinking Water, i feel very much alive now. I am a workaholic and i am obese, but with ELO i feel my energy is fully charged and i can now start to do sports and get better sleeps...

“I weight 300 pounds. I want to share with you my journey with ELO Drinking Water for 30 days . It feels like it changes all my life, my work, my social life, my difficulties. I feel very much alive.

I am a workaholic like many others in Hong Kong. We work very hard, play very hard. But it seems that our body can't take as much as our every day's schedules demand. For almost 5-6 years, i have never been running to the bus, but now i can almost catch a bus even during the peak hours. I started to run!

All thanks to ELO Drinking Water, I haven't been to many heavy sports for some time because of my physical burden. It also helps me to sleep better. When i wake up the next day, i feel like i am fully charge and i am about to focus on my business everyday."

Experience The Difference Today

ELO Drinking Water is suitable for both healthy and health-challenged people. For maintenance of tissue oxygenation, consume at an interval of every 2 hours throughout the day.

Follow Our Recommended Drinking Guide....

for Good Hydration and Oxygen Supplementation throughout the day


At least 4 to 6 glasses (such as 750ml to 1.5L) over the course of a day


At least 50% of their daily drinking water requirements over the course of a day. 


Please consult your pediatrician as to how much water your baby or infant should consume.


30 to 50ml/kg depending on the animal’s general health and activity level over the course of a day.

  • ELO Drinking Water can be served chilled or at normal room temperature.

  • Do not boil or freeze as it might cause ELO Drinking Water to lose its oxygen content

  • For best results, consume ELO Drinking Water on its own without mixing with food and other beverages.

  • You may supplement your ELO Drinking Water intake with other types of water or beverages to fulfill the daily requirement.

  • ELO Drinking Water is safe and will not interact or interfere with your medications.

  • ELO Drinking Water is suitable for consumption by pets.

At ELO, we only sell what we would use ourselves and for our family.

- The ELO team - 

"Love the clean water taste!"

Lum Wai Frances

"Amazing water for good health!"

Anastasia Eu

"I love ELO Drinking Water. It is energising!"

Kenneth Au-Yong

There Is No Better Time To Start Living Well....


Click "Buy Now" to start enjoying instant savings...

Excellent customer service available to answer your queries and arrange/rearrange delivery timeslot
Contact Us: +65 8363 4618

Still Deciding? 

Read The Top 17 Questions Customers Had Asked Before Ordering ELO Drinking Water

Click on the questions below to see the answer.


What is ELO Drinking Water?

ELO Drinking Water is manufactured in Singapore, meeting stringent water quality standards. With its rich and stable oxygen content, it not only keeps you refreshed and hydrated, but also provides your body with additional oxygen that increases your energy levels.

Some examples of the benefits of ELO water are:
-  Drinking ELO Water can help you improve your blood oxygen levels
-  ELO Drinking Water is beneficial for people with diabetes to reduce their blood sugar levels.

Why is oxygen important to the human body?

Blood carries oxygen to the cells throughout our body because oxygen is a critical ingredient in energy generation.

Having low oxygen levels in the human body, a condition known as “Hypoxia”, directly lowers the energy levels of cells Imagine the human body is like a machine with cells that need energy in order to function. When the oxygen levels are low, these engines get fewer turns and start breaking down; eventually this can lead to various diseases such as diabetes, dementia, heart disease, fatty liver, kidney disease, cancer, etc.  

Ensuring an optimal supply of oxygen to the cells powers them up for effective cell recovery; helping you to maintain good functioning organs.
Have there been any studies conducted on ELO Drinking Water?

The Company believes in making products that are backed by scientific evidence. We are actively involved in ongoing biomedical and clinical research to establish ELO Drinking Water's biological effects and health benefits.

ELO Drinking Water is probably the only oxygen-rich water in the world that has proven health benefits through rigorous scientific and clinical testing.
The research on ELO Drinking Water is conducted entirely by independent scientific research teams from local and foreign universities, as well as Singapore public hospitals.
Published research data by Monash University in Australia demonstrates that ELO Water is able to increase blood oxygen level through oral consumption.
Findings from the human clinical study on ELO water effects on Type 2 diabetes conducted by Changi General Hospital in Singapore has been published. The study successfully demonstrated that drinking ELO Water is able to lower blood sugar levels  significantly in type 2 diabetes patients.
Is there a risk of increasing free radicals (contributing to oxidative stress) by consuming ELO Drinking Water?

ELO Drinking Water has been shown through research to be non-oxidizing to components of cell membranes. This is an important finding because other oxygenated products may oxidize cell membranes to cause cellular damage. Human studies have also demonstrated that ELO Drinking Water does not increase the oxidative stress of the body. 

drinking guide related questions

How much ELO Drinking Water should I be consuming every day?

As ELO Drinking Water is a drinking water and not a drug, there is no need to adhere strictly to any dosing plan. However, if you wish to maximize on the benefits of ELO Drinking Water, you may follow the guidelines below to ensure good hydration and oxygen supplementation throughout the day.

Adults: Drink 750ml to 1.5 litres per day in divided servings throughout the day. For those who are on water restriction due to medical conditions, they may replace up to 70% of their daily allowable fluid quantity with ELO Drinking Water.

Children: At least 50% of their daily drinking water requirements over the course of a day. For example, if your child normally drinks 4 glasses of water a day, you could replace 2 of those cups with ELO Drinking Water.

Infants: As babies rely on milk for their calories, it Is advisable to consult your paediatrician as to how much water your baby or infant should consume in addition to milk. This principle applies to any type of water.

Pets: 30 to 50ml/kg depending on the animal’s general health and activity level over the course of a day. For example, if your pet weighs 5kg, it may consume between 150ml to 250ml of ELO Drinking Water over the course of a day.

How long do I have to drink to feel the effects of ELO Drinking Water?

To experience a positive effect on your health or wellbeing, most consumers will need to drink 750ml to 1.5 litres of ELO Drinking Water daily for 1-3 months. This varies from person to person because our oxygen requirements vary according to our health status and activity levels.

Should I replace my daily intake of water entirely with ELO Drinking Water?

While it is perfectly fine to do that, there is no need to fulfil your daily water requirements solely with ELO Drinking Water. Daily water intake for an adult is recommended at 2 to 3 litres, depending on activity levels. Generally, 750ml to 1.5 litres of ELO Drinking Water per day is sufficient for most adults. The rest of the 2-3 litres can be other beverages.

Can I boil or microwave ELO Drinking Water before drinking?

No, because heating, boiling and microwaving ELO Drinking Water will cause it to lose its oxygen content. The higher the temperature, the greater the loss of oxygen.

Can I keep ELO Drinking Water in the fridge to chill before drinking?

Yes, ELO Drinking Water can be served chilled.

Can I freeze ELO Drinking Water?

We do not recommend freezing ELO Drinking Water as this may cause it to lose its oxygen content.

Can I mix ELO Drinking Water with milk powder?

Yes, you may add beverage mixes into ELO Drinking Water as long as the water is not heated up.

Can I make coffee/tea /other beverages with ELO Drinking Water?

You may make cold brews with tea or coffee. However, heating up ELO Drinking Water to make hot beverages will cause the water to lose its oxygen.


What is the shelf life of ELO Drinking Water?

Please refer to the bottle for Best Before date.

What does 'Best Before' date on ELO bottle mean?

Best Before date should not be confused with expiration date. The latter shows the last day a product is safe to consume. It is hence perfectly safe to consume ELO Drinking Water that is close to the ‘Best Before’ date as it is still of acceptable quality.

What is the optimum storage temperature for ELO Drinking Water?

Always store ELO Drinking Water at room temperature, in a dark, cool and dry place, away from direct sunlight. Heat and prolonged exposure of ELO Drinking Water to direct sunlight may affect the stability of the oxygen.

How long does ELO Drinking Water remain effective after openin

Once opened, we recommend that you consume the entire bottle of ELO Drinking Water within 24 hours for maximum effectiveness. An opened and recapped bottle of ELO Drinking Water is able to retain its oxygen content for up to 3 days when stored in a cool place.

Is there a recycling programme for empty ELO bottles?

Yes, with each delivery of ELO Drinking Water, you may inform our delivery team to collect your empty ELO Drinking Water bottles. Before returning the empty bottles to us, please do rinse and dry the bottles to ensure the bottles are all ready for the recycling programme. You may also choose to return the bottles to ELO Shop. These collected bottles will be further processed to be reused in many other applications. Many other useful products in our daily lives can be produced from recycled plastics, such as t-shirts, sweaters, sleeping bags, carpeting and more bottles. For more information, please visit www.elomart.com/sustainability.

order & delivery related questions

Can I refund and/or exchange my purchased items bought during a promotion period?

Promotional items are non-refundable and non-exchangeable. Elomart reserves the rights to review, amend and/or vary our terms and conditions from time to time without prior notice.

What is the delivery lead-time upon placement of order?

Delivery within Singapore will be arranged within 3 to 5 working days from the day of purchase.

Can I reschedule my delivery if I have missed the delivery?

You may reschedule your delivery or opt for self-collection. Please contact us to make an inquiry. 

Is self-collection mode available? If so, where can I collect my purchase from?

Sorry, self collection is currently unavailable at this moment.

What locations do you deliver to in Singapore?

We provide delivery services to most parts of Singapore with the exception of the areas below:

- Airport Logistics Park of Singapore
- Any Port of Singapore Authority (PSA)
- Changi Airfreight Centre
- Changi Airport Transit Lounge
- Free Trade Zone compound
- Jurong Port Island
- Mindef Comcentre

Copyright © 2023,Elomart Pte. Ltd.

Hotline: (65) 3157 8080

ELO Support Whatsapp: (65) 8363 4618

Email: contact_sg@elomart.com

Address: 1 Tuas Loop, Singapore 637336